
This is the manifesto of Mother Monster:

On G.O.A.T, a Government Owned Alien Territory in space, a birth of magnificent and magical proportions took place. But the birth was not finite. It was infinite. As the wombs numbered and the mitosis of the future began, it was perceived that this infamous moment in life is not temporal, it is eternal. And thus began the beginning of the new race, a race within the race of humanity, a race which bears no prejudice, no judgment but boundless freedom. But on that same day, as the eternal mother hovered in the mulitverse, another more terrifying birth took place, the birth of evil. And as she herself split into two. Rotating in agony between two ultimate forces, the pendulum of choice began its dance. It seems easy you imagine to gravitate instantly and unwaveringly towards good. But she wondered, “How can I protect something so perfect without evil?


Duele verte anestesiado porque así se dio la cosa, porque así quiso tu suerte. Mientras yo caliento el banco de suplentes, con la camiseta puesta para incluirme en tu futuro.


Será lo que tenga que ser y haré lo que tenga que hacer.


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All in all is all we are ...

“Lo que sabemos es una gota de agua; lo que ignoramos es el océano. “
Isaac Newton.

La competencia constante que tiene la gente no es para mí, ese objetivo de superar al otro a toda costa, tampoco. Hay personas que tienen que cambiar, porque no les irá bien siendo de la forma que son, y no me compadezco más por nadie, a partir de hoy solo seré yo y de vos me pienso olvidar por completo.