Aquí estoy, al borde de la insolación y del colapso, con miedo, un pequeño miedo. Soy tan buena crítica que a veces demasiado despiadada con mi apocado ridículo. No me atrevo, no me atrevo, quisiera que el mundo estallara de repente, no tener que enfrentarme conmigo misma, seguir anestesiado la imposibilidad que me marchita, seguir escondiendo mi torpe voz. Pero tengo que ser, aunque todos los desastres naturales abandonen la tierra para impactarme dentro.
BE brilliant at the basics. Be the change you want to see in the world. Be the first one. Be the only one. Be unforgettable. Be interesting. Be a sleeper. Be that guy. Be the world's expert on yourself. Be better than yesterday, but not as good as tomorrow. Be confident enough to be humble. But be somebody who reminds everybody of nobody else in the world.
AND DON'T wish it was easier, wish you were better. Don't sell, enable people to buy. Don't let the bastards get you down. Don't be weary in well doing, for in due season you will reap a great harvest if you faint not. And don't wait for the mainstream to validate your voice. Don't despise the day of small beginnings. Don't be selfish with your knowledge. Don't complain if you haven't earned the right. And don't be different, be unique.
BECAUSE YOU are what you charge. You are what you believe. You are the books you've read and the people you've met. And you are an empty sheet of paper in the minds of every person you encounter.
AND if you are successful you will always have too much to do and too little time. If you aren't being criticized, you aren't doing much. And if everyone says you're out of your mind, you just might be onto something.
EVEN THOUGH, IT'S not easy being yourself. It's not who you know, it's who knows you. And it's not the years, it's the mileage.
SO, WORK hard, work long and work smart. Work like you don't need the money. And work from technique, because you never know how you will feel.
AND DON'T FORGET THAT success leaves clues. That confidence is king. That credibility comes from specificity. That listening is not waiting to talk. And that a nice person who is mean to a waiter is not a nice person.
OR, TO tell the truth, to tell it all and to tell it now. To give value first. To paint yourself into a good corner. To allow customers to participate in your brand. To do the work once and benefit many times. To give yourself away. To respect people's no's. To take massive action. And to act as if you already were the person you're trying to become.
THEREFORE, ALWAYS stand up, stand out or be counted out. Discover your Personal Differential Advantage. Learn to love your zone of discomfort. Greet each day with love in your heart. Show, don't tell. Make daily appointments with yourself. Never apologize for your art. Remember your Victory Dance. Work harder on yourself than your job. Find your one big idea. And always validate your existence, be yourself and do something cool - every single day.
BECAUSE life isn't about finding yourself, it's about creating yourself.
Aunque sientas el cansancio; Aunque el triunfo te abandone; Aunque un error te lastime; Aunque un negocio se quiebre; Aunque una traición te hiera; Aunque una ilusión se apague; Aunque el dolor queme los ojos;
Aunque ignoren tus esfuerzos; Aunque la ingratitud sea la paga; Aunque la incomprensión corte tu risa;
Aunque todo parezca nada; ¡Vuelve a empezar!
Vivir, es vibrar a cada instante, ante la emoción de percibir la maravilla de la creación que nos rodea.
Vivir, es entender que cada minuto que transcurre no volverá. Es atraparlo intensamente, porque forma parte del tiempo, que sabemos ha quedado en el ayer.Vivir, es saber dar lo mejor de nosotros, es vibrar en la bondad, y llevar a su máxima expresión, nuestra capacidad de ser. Vivir, es gozar los momentos bellos y desafiarse a sí mismo ante las adversidades.
Si acaso tu no ves mas allá de tu nariz y no oyes a una flor reír, si no puedes hablar sin tener que oír tu voz; utilizando el corazón amigo Sancho escúchame: No todo tiene aquí un porqué, un camino lo hacen los pies, hay un mundo por descubrir y una vida que arrancar de brazos del guión final. A veces siento al despertar que el sueño es la realidad.
Bebe, danza, sueña, siente que el viento ha sido hecho para ti, vive, escucha y habla usando para ello el corazón, siente que la lluvia besa tu cara. Sí acaso tu opinión cabe en un sí o un no y no sabes rectificar, si puedes definir el odio o el amor amigo que desilusión, no todo es blanco o negro: es gris, todo depende del matiz. Busca y aprende a distinguir porque la luna puede calentar y el sol tus noches acunar, los árboles mueren de pie, he visto un manantial llorar al ver sus aguas ir al mar.